Scooters, Tokyo, 1983
Carol, Ann, & Jeff. Los Angeles, ca 1980
Ann, Los Angeles, ca 1983
Enraptured at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, ca 1980
Betty Carter receiving award, Los Angeles, ca 1979. (1/2)
Betty Carter receiving award, Los Angeles, about 1979. (2/2)
Betty Freeman salon, Los Angeles, 1981
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (1/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (2/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (3/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (4/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (5/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (6/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (7/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (8/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (9/9)
Gene Bowen and family, Fillmore CA 1981
Gov. Jerry Brown, Al's Bar, Los Angeles, 1981
Hisao Shinagawa and Peter Ivers, Los Angeles. ca 1979
Ingram Marshall, Thanksgiving, Fillmore CA 1981
Isabel and Marilyn, ca 1977
Marilyn, North Hollywood, ca 1977
Mini-mob, Los Angeles, ca 1980
On Klub rap contest, Los Angeles, 1981
Stephanie and David, Los Angeles, 1978
Tokyo, 1980
Tokyo, 1980
Host bar, Tokyo, 1980
Whisky-a-Go-Go, Los Angeles, ca 1980
Wild party, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
John Callahan (1945-2003) of gay rap duo, Age of Consent, rap night, On Klub, Los Angeles, August 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Scooters, post-performance, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Numata Genqui (left) and friend, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Sumiko Sato and Genqui Numata, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Numata Genqui performing as the "Bonsai Kozoh," Roppongi, Tokyo, ca. 1986
Numata Genqui performing as the "Bonsai Kozoh," with chorus. Roppongi, Tokyo, ca. 1986
Scooters performing at Tsubaki House with guest vocalist S-Ken, Tokyo, Sept 28, 1983.
Numata Genqui (left) interviewed at gallery reception, Tokyo ca. 1988
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Harold Budd, pre-performance interview, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd, pre-performance interview, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd, pre-performance, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd performance, audience, Tokyo, 1983.
Sebastian (right), Jeff Spurrier (bottom left). Los Angeles, January 1982.
Sebastian. Los Angeles, January 1982.
Sushi bowling, Los Angeles, January 1982. Left to right: Nancy Youdelman, Jeff Spurrier, Carol Kaufman.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Sophie Youdelman, Randall Mason, Douglas Oliver (reflected in mirror), unknown woman.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Paul Francis, Susan Lieberman, Christine Rush.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Christine Rush, Yana Nirvana, Sophie Youdelman.
Profiles in courage. Los Angeles, December, 1981.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: David Daniel, Jan Lester, Andy Johnson.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Stephanie Ross dancing with David Daniel. (1/2)
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Stephanie Ross dancing with David Daniel (2/2).
Los Angeles, ca. 1980. Christine Rush backstage at the Whisky with Tim Barrett.
Los Angeles, ca. 1980. Backstage at the Whisky. A member of the band "No Sisters."
Nancy, ca. 1979. Los Angeles.
Nancy and Fayette. Los Angeles, January, 1982.
Hisao et al a-tippling. Los Angeles, January, 1982.
Jack Larson, a musician best known for his role as Jimmy Olsen in the 1950s TV series "Superman," at Betty Freeman's salon for Philip Glass, 1981.
Attendee at musical event, Los Angeles, 1981.
Philip Glass making a presentation at salon given by Betty Freeman, Los Angeles, 1981.
Wedding, Belfast, Maine, 2002.
Audience at reggae concert, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Reggae concert, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Betty Freeman with camera, Philip Glass at left in background. Betty Freeman's salon for Philip Glass at her house, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Philip Glass making a presentation at salon given by Betty Freeman, Los Angeles, 1981.
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (1/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (2/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (3/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (4/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (5/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (6/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (7/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (8/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (9/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (10/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (11/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (12/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (13/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (14/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (15/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (16/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (17/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (18/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (19/19)
Blessing of the Grapes. Fresno, 1969. (1/2)
Blessing of the Grapes. Fresno, 1969. (2/2)
Cynthia and Susan at the Blessing of the Grapes, Fresno, 1969.
Glenn Shadix and his theatrical troupe, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Thanksgiving at Gene Bowen's house, Fillmore, California, 1981.
Bartender, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Bartender, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (1/3)
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (2/3)
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (3/3)
Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Katie and Tom charm the crowd at the On Klub, Los Angeles. About 1981.
Katie (obscured) and friend dancing to Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub. Los Angeles, about 1981.
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (1/3)
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (2/3)
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (3/3)
Audience at On Klub, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (1/3)
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (2/3)
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (3/3)
Left to right: Tom Nixon, Gene Bowen, Harold Budd, Harold's then-wife; seated: Pam Sheridan holding Gene and Pam's baby. Fillmore CA, 1981.
Audience at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981. (1/2)
Audience at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981. (2/2)
English band from Liverpool, The Room. Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981.
Concert audience (band: Jagatara), Tokyo, 1987.
Tokyo, 1980. All-girl band called "Boys Boys." Club Yane-ura, Shibuya-ku.
Elvii at a Halloween party, Los Angeles, 1980.
Scooters performing at Tsubaki House, Tokyo, September, 1983.
Black Cats post-performance, China Club, Los Angeles, 1981.
Kent State and Rick May of Billy Sheets Undercover, post-performance, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Fayette Hauser and band, Interpol. Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Crowd at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, 1980.
Crowd at ska concert, Pasadena, 1980.
Ska concert, Pasadena. 1980.
A concert I have no recollection of. Los Angeles, 1980.
Stephanie. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (1/2)
Stephanie. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (2/2)
Concert crowd. Los Angeles, 1982.
All-girl band. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (1/2)
All-girl band. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (2/2)
Gallery opening. Los Angeles, about 1981.
Later that same night . . . Los Angeles, 1980.
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (1/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (2/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (3/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (4/4)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (1/3)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (2/3)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (3/3)
Event at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Crowd at event, Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (1/3)
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (2/3)
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (3/3)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (1/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (2/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (3/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (4/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (5/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (6/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (7/7)
Patrons at event, Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Madame Wong's, Hisao and Tom at the bar. Los Angeles, 1981.
"This place is a flea-pit!" From "At the Theater, " 1976.
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (1/3)
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (2/3)
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (3/3)
Famille Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
L'homme de maison, chez Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
Chez Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (1/3)
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (2/3)
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (3/3)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (1/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (2/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (3/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (4/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (5/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (6/6)
Tom, Chris, Hisao. Los Angeles, about 1980.
Scooters, Tokyo, 1983
Carol, Ann, & Jeff. Los Angeles, ca 1980
Ann, Los Angeles, ca 1983
Enraptured at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, ca 1980
Betty Carter receiving award, Los Angeles, ca 1979. (1/2)
Betty Carter receiving award, Los Angeles, about 1979. (2/2)
Betty Freeman salon, Los Angeles, 1981
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (1/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (2/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (3/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (4/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (5/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (6/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (7/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (8/9)
Black Cats, China Club, Los Angeles, ca 1980. (9/9)
Gene Bowen and family, Fillmore CA 1981
Gov. Jerry Brown, Al's Bar, Los Angeles, 1981
Hisao Shinagawa and Peter Ivers, Los Angeles. ca 1979
Ingram Marshall, Thanksgiving, Fillmore CA 1981
Isabel and Marilyn, ca 1977
Marilyn, North Hollywood, ca 1977
Mini-mob, Los Angeles, ca 1980
On Klub rap contest, Los Angeles, 1981
Stephanie and David, Los Angeles, 1978
Tokyo, 1980
Tokyo, 1980
Host bar, Tokyo, 1980
Whisky-a-Go-Go, Los Angeles, ca 1980
Wild party, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
John Callahan (1945-2003) of gay rap duo, Age of Consent, rap night, On Klub, Los Angeles, August 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Taquila Mockingbird performs, rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Rap contest, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Comedian Karen Hartman, Comedy Store, Los Angeles, ca. 1980
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Tokyo, ca. 1988. Opening of shop called "Oyaji-Do."
Scooters, post-performance, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Numata Genqui (left) and friend, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Sumiko Sato and Genqui Numata, Tsubaki House, Tokyo, Sept 28 1983
Numata Genqui performing as the "Bonsai Kozoh," Roppongi, Tokyo, ca. 1986
Numata Genqui performing as the "Bonsai Kozoh," with chorus. Roppongi, Tokyo, ca. 1986
Scooters performing at Tsubaki House with guest vocalist S-Ken, Tokyo, Sept 28, 1983.
Numata Genqui (left) interviewed at gallery reception, Tokyo ca. 1988
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Occupy Boston, Dewey Square, October 16, 2011.
Harold Budd, pre-performance interview, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd, pre-performance interview, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd, pre-performance, Tokyo, 1983.
Harold Budd performance, audience, Tokyo, 1983.
Sebastian (right), Jeff Spurrier (bottom left). Los Angeles, January 1982.
Sebastian. Los Angeles, January 1982.
Sushi bowling, Los Angeles, January 1982. Left to right: Nancy Youdelman, Jeff Spurrier, Carol Kaufman.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Sophie Youdelman, Randall Mason, Douglas Oliver (reflected in mirror), unknown woman.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Paul Francis, Susan Lieberman, Christine Rush.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: Christine Rush, Yana Nirvana, Sophie Youdelman.
Profiles in courage. Los Angeles, December, 1981.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Left to right: David Daniel, Jan Lester, Andy Johnson.
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Stephanie Ross dancing with David Daniel. (1/2)
Los Angeles, December, 1981. Stephanie Ross dancing with David Daniel (2/2).
Los Angeles, ca. 1980. Christine Rush backstage at the Whisky with Tim Barrett.
Los Angeles, ca. 1980. Backstage at the Whisky. A member of the band "No Sisters."
Nancy, ca. 1979. Los Angeles.
Nancy and Fayette. Los Angeles, January, 1982.
Hisao et al a-tippling. Los Angeles, January, 1982.
Jack Larson, a musician best known for his role as Jimmy Olsen in the 1950s TV series "Superman," at Betty Freeman's salon for Philip Glass, 1981.
Attendee at musical event, Los Angeles, 1981.
Philip Glass making a presentation at salon given by Betty Freeman, Los Angeles, 1981.
Wedding, Belfast, Maine, 2002.
Audience at reggae concert, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Reggae concert, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Betty Freeman with camera, Philip Glass at left in background. Betty Freeman's salon for Philip Glass at her house, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Philip Glass making a presentation at salon given by Betty Freeman, Los Angeles, 1981.
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (1/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (2/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (3/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (4/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (5/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (6/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (7/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (8/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (9/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (10/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (11/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (12/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (13/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (14/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (15/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (16/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (17/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (18/19)
Moroccan Restaurant: Girls' Night Out. Los Angeles, 1981 (19/19)
Blessing of the Grapes. Fresno, 1969. (1/2)
Blessing of the Grapes. Fresno, 1969. (2/2)
Cynthia and Susan at the Blessing of the Grapes, Fresno, 1969.
Glenn Shadix and his theatrical troupe, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Thanksgiving at Gene Bowen's house, Fillmore, California, 1981.
Bartender, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Bartender, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (1/3)
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (2/3)
Flipping a cigarette in Mt. Washington, Los Angeles. June, 1981. (3/3)
Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, 1981.
Billy Sheets and Undercover at the On Klub, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Katie and Tom charm the crowd at the On Klub, Los Angeles. About 1981.
Katie (obscured) and friend dancing to Billy Sheets and Undercover, On Klub. Los Angeles, about 1981.
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (1/3)
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (2/3)
A dog at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1981. (3/3)
Audience at On Klub, Los Angeles, about 1981.
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (1/3)
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (2/3)
Shinto procession, Gotemba-shi, Japan, 1988. (3/3)
Left to right: Tom Nixon, Gene Bowen, Harold Budd, Harold's then-wife; seated: Pam Sheridan holding Gene and Pam's baby. Fillmore CA, 1981.
Audience at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981. (1/2)
Audience at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981. (2/2)
English band from Liverpool, The Room. Al's Bar, Los Angeles, summer, 1981.
Concert audience (band: Jagatara), Tokyo, 1987.
Tokyo, 1980. All-girl band called "Boys Boys." Club Yane-ura, Shibuya-ku.
Elvii at a Halloween party, Los Angeles, 1980.
Scooters performing at Tsubaki House, Tokyo, September, 1983.
Black Cats post-performance, China Club, Los Angeles, 1981.
Kent State and Rick May of Billy Sheets Undercover, post-performance, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Fayette Hauser and band, Interpol. Al's Bar, Los Angeles, about 1980.
Crowd at Al's Bar, Los Angeles, 1980.
Crowd at ska concert, Pasadena, 1980.
Ska concert, Pasadena. 1980.
A concert I have no recollection of. Los Angeles, 1980.
Stephanie. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (1/2)
Stephanie. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (2/2)
Concert crowd. Los Angeles, 1982.
All-girl band. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (1/2)
All-girl band. Los Angeles, October, 1982. (2/2)
Gallery opening. Los Angeles, about 1981.
Later that same night . . . Los Angeles, 1980.
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (1/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (2/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (3/4)
Stephanie, et al. About 1981, Los Angeles. (4/4)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (1/3)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (2/3)
Johnny Guarnieri performing at the Tail o' the Cock, Ventura Blvd., Los Angeles, 1978. (3/3)
Event at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Crowd at event, Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (1/3)
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (2/3)
Johanna Went performing at Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (3/3)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (1/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (2/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (3/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (4/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (5/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (6/7)
Fibonaccis performing at the Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982. (7/7)
Patrons at event, Ukrainian Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1982.
Madame Wong's, Hisao and Tom at the bar. Los Angeles, 1981.
"This place is a flea-pit!" From "At the Theater, " 1976.
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (1/3)
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (2/3)
Marsha, Los Angeles, 1981. (3/3)
Famille Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
L'homme de maison, chez Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
Chez Nixon, Burbank, California, about 1979.
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (1/3)
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (2/3)
Rokabiri-zoku, Harajuku, Tokyo. April, 1980. (3/3)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (1/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (2/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (3/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (4/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (5/6)
1st apartment in Tokyo. Tsuchiya-bilu, Ebisu 3-chome, Shibuya-ku (6/6)
Tom, Chris, Hisao. Los Angeles, about 1980.
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